
I pray you are well

I pray you are loved

I pray you receive your love

I pray you kindness

I pray you strength

I pray you tenderheartedness through courage and acceptance and Faith

I pray you are well

I pray you surrender and navigate the journey with grace, love, patience, goodness, and that all that you truly need will be met

I pray you are safe

I pray you harmony

I pray you success

I pray you stability in all ways, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially, and in every way that you need

I pray you a good time

I pray you the power of self love

I pray you the power of manifestation through belief in self and the power of the Universe and Source itself

I pray you meaningful synchronicities that help Awaken you

I pray you cleansing

I pray you purification

I pray you Sight

I pray you a new Vision for your future

I pray you taste the sense of true Liberation of spirit… of meaningful work… of meeting your meaning on your destined path…

I pray you Listen

I pray you Hear

I pray you Feel

I pray you sense a Rising in your very spirit, a Phoenix call to order…

I pray you Smell the impeding Freedom

I pray you stay Present (It’s beautiful here, or so I hear…)

I pray you, “Carpe Diem!”

I pray you direct and indirect guidance as needed

I pray you comfort

I pray you peace

I pray you balance

I pray you freedom of expression

I pray you Divinity

I pray you wisdom and discernment in all things

I pray you purity of Spirit

I pray you silence and meditative contemplation for an expanded journey

I pray you well

I pray you and your loved ones safety, shelter, pure food and drinks, welfare, hope, joy, and Ascension.

I pray all the world and Universe is free and peaceful and loved

I pray Gaia returns to full health with our help in raising vibrations and doing our Work here

I pray animals and plants safe from needless killing and/or destruction (without the need to remove humans from the equation to do so)…

I pray galactic peace for all

I pray for the release of anyone unfairly and/or unjustly kept in prison or subjugated to an impenetrable force and that the captives are set free

I pray women, youth, and children are healed from sexual trauma

I pray men, youth, and children are healed from sexual trauma

I pray men, women, and youth are healed from trauma

I pray Freedom from pain, in mind, body, and/or spirit, for all living creatures; for Healing to transmute the pain to resting place of Love and Acceptance, Serenity and Beauty found within, eternal Grace bestowing… Surrender meeting Mercy to find our fated Release…

I pray that all insidious diseases and ailments are Healed permanently and that their bearer be brought to full Restoration of Health in immediate nature…

I pray protection and invisibility for those Light beings being sought by the Dark

I pray Healing for All Beings, for All Living Things.

I pray for us to learn to love ourselves and accept that we are worthy of love and that while we could not control aspects of our past and childhood trauma, that we no longer need to be defined by it today and that we are granted the will to confront our fears directly and decompose to recompose false narratives to truer Presence in the Moments met… I pray the willingness to openly learn about one’s trauma and how it manifests in our minds/ bodies/ spirits, and DO THE WORK to Re-Program ourselves to be the Healthy person we truly yearn and DESERVE to be… to return to original form: untarnished and whole, despite the breaks, and instead see ourselves not as being broken, but instead: as being cracked open in this time…

I pray you find the control you have so sorely missed and yearned for due to people, events, places, and situations that were outside of your control…

I pray we recognize that we are worthy of and are already granted the Solace of Healing Love as balm to our wounds and that we are the ones most capable (other than a Higher Power) of doing so most diligently as we are only capable of controlling ourselves (for the most part but also only in some small ways, but tangent, so…)

I pray you forgive yourself…

I pray you LOVE yourself…

I pray you forgive Them… (unless, in your Truth, to do so is a very slight to your or a loved one’s soul…)

I pray you look within for the validation you are seeking AND find it there: Waiting for you…

I pray you accept the peace you so righteously deserve…

I pray we actively learn lessons in whatever self-defense practice best suits our size, strength, willingness and ability to live an empowered life with belief in strength of self, and others, to protect good people and practice principles of resilience.

I pray we all can feel the immediate emotional blast to the senses, visual or otherwise, felt when the word “victim” is used… even the word itself is triggering for some… but also, it is in the very nature of the human conditioning that all alive could claim use to its title in one way or another. However, as comparison is the root of misery or some such parable, I pray we consider this and question whether it is Now more suiting to move to embody more mature adjectives for who we are now or who we want to become or embody for younger members of our society as role models by switching to more powerful images of “Protector” or “Healer”… and then take this reconsideration of spoken words to use spelling to our advantage for what we’d like to see our reality become… Amen.

I pray we stop judging…

I pray we let go of the past and actively prioritize learning grounding techniques to keep us Here, in the Present, WITH each other…

I pray we learn and use boundaries, using statements such as, “No,” or “I feel ____ when I am ___,” or even simply, “Next question…” or, “No, thank you…” to practice setting physical and verbal boundaries in our relationships…

I pray for Ascension. Of this world and all living creatures therein… including, but not limited to, us Humans… us Lightworkers… us Multi-Dimensional Entities…

I pray for equality among all Living Beings and Equity and fair Justice to be a distinct feature of our Society in general…

I pray we sing and dance and have fun and enjoy ourselves as Love and Joy fulfill and align with our Mission and Purpose here…

I pray we are shameless in our pursuit of Authenticity and searching for, finding, and taking responsibility for our own mental, physical, emotional, spiritual (and financial) security and stability…

I pray the Earth and it’s atmosphere, land, water, people, animals, plants, nature, matter, particles, atoms, up through the entirety of the system, physically and non-physically speaking, are cleansed and restored to full Harmonics and healthy vibrations and that all parts of the system accept this healing willingly in ready Acceptance for a New Way… and if not, if the entity is not ultimately for the Light, render such entities incapable of further destruction (to self or other) and either heal them wholly or if not possible, remove them from this planet to forget why they were ever here, go home, never to remember or return to this place again… (just to cover all the celestial bases…)

I pray for a New Earth and more loving and balanced Connections and I pray we are restored to Unity, Harmony, and Community with Love the center of our Resonance and Vibration sent out to My, Your, Our, as well as the objective Universe in totality…

For this and everything else I forgot to say but You know we need, insert that, too and thank You, God/ Higher Power/ Source/ Great Spirit/ Mother Nature/ Father Sky/ *insert name of your Higher Power here* for already working to grant all these things. Amen!